Beef Services

ProStock Vets offer a wide range of services for Beef farmers in order to improve performance, productivity and profit, these services include:

ProStock Beef Gold

Our Beef Gold package is available to all ProStock Beef Clients. 

Get discounts off routine visits to include; routine fertility, pelvic scoring, health monitoring, bull fertility testing and Vet-Tech work. 

For more information call your local branch to discuss joining! 

Pelvic Scoring

Caesareans in heifers can often be prevented or reduced through pelvic scoring of bulling heifers.  Pelvic scoring and reproductive tract scoring allows us to help producers make informed breeding decisions. 

Synchronisation protocols

We can help design and implement synchronisation protocols for a tailored approach depending on your herds varying requirements.

Herd Health Plan & AMU

Producing and reviewing Herd Health Plans is one of the most important jobs in the animal health calendar. With increasing public awareness around Antimicrobial useage we now generate an annual Total Antibiotic Usage review to go alongside producers FAWL Animal Health and Welfare Reviews.


Pregnancy Diagnosing (PDing) has always been a mainstay of beef work and it remains as important as ever. Whether it is tightening up a calving pattern or removing costly barrens from the herd knowing the pregnancy status of your cows pays for itself time and time again.

Bull fertility

Knowing whether your bulls are fully fertile prior to breeding season can avoid the costly spread of a calving pattern. The difference between a 9-week calving pattern and a 12-week calving pattern on a 100 cow suckler herd is worth up to £7,000 in pre-weaning growth rates alone. We can do both pre-season and pre-purchase examinations bespoke for your needs.

Cattle Health Certification Standards (CHeCs) Health Schemes

Diagnostic sampling, disease investigation and providing advice throughout the accreditation process are just some of the ways we can help you achieve the desired health goals for your herd.

Other services

  • 24-hour Emergency Care
  • TB Testing
  • VetTech services - Calf Tracker, Mobility Scoring, Foot Trimming, Disbudding, Diagnostic Sampling, Vaccination, Cattle Drenching and Bolusing (Please see VetTech Services for more information)